Device for training and supporting the therapy of pelvic floor muscles
A non-invasive device designed for training of the pelvic floor muscles, without intimate contact, with biofeedback. Based on pressure changes, allows to visualize the work of pelvic floor muscles - using the pressure sensor built into the seat, it records the activity of pelvic floor muscles during tightening, relaxing and the duration of contraction during the exercises
Therapist comfort: not only provides information about the level of the pelvic floor muscles contraction, but also gives insight into training progress, the scale placed on each adjustable element allow to record the patient’s position during exercise and repeat it during subsequent training, strength test mode, ready programs for shaping the strength and endurance, graphical data presentation makes it easier to compare the values achieved in individual training sessions and track the patient’s progress.
Patient comfort: all adults can use the device - regardless of age or gender, an alternative for people who can not break the barrier of shame or have other contraindications to the use of internaI probes.
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